Amanda's Law, as it was passed, amended or created nineteen statutes involving civil and criminal cases. Numerous changes were made involving the timeline of a domestic violence case, service of process of an emergency order, and additional penalties for serious violators that can include requiring a perpetrator be required to wear a global positioning monitoring device if he/she commits a serious violation. The statutes that were amended are
KRS 15.334,
KRS 403.740,
KRS 431.005,
KRS 431.517,
KRS 431.518,
KRS 431.520,
KRS 533.030 and
KRS 533.250, and created
KRS 67.372,
KRS 67.374,
KRS 403.741,
KRS 403.743,
KRS 403.747,
KRS 403.761,
KRS 403.762, and
KRS 511.085.
The unfortunate reality is that the law as it was passed would not have prevented the tragic death of Amanda Ross for whom it is named. Nevertheless, the changes do provide several new options and protections for victims in Kentucky.