Child Custody & New Rules on Visitation Exchanges

Following up on yesterday's post about new legislation affecting the area of family law in Kentucky; that legislation is also going expand Chapter 403 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes.  Specifically, the new legislation will add a definition for "safe child drop-off location."  This new phrase is defined as "any public building owned, leased, or occupied by the Commonwealth, or by any city or county within the Commonwealth, to which access is limited and security measures, including metal detectors, are in place."  The statute goes on to say that any order regarding a timesharing exchange may require that the exchange take place at a point within such a public building at a location past the security measures (i.e. metal detectors).

The downside is that the order cannot require that any such building remain open or otherwise make any other accommodation for such use.  Since most timesharing exchanges take place in the evening and on the weekend, in order to take advantage of this new law, many orders may need to be revised if safety of the child or one of the parties is a concern.  If you believe you may benefit from these new security measures, you should schedule an appointment with a skilled family law attorney to discuss your options.

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