Divorce and Filing Taxes Again

Tax season is upon us again and for those of you going through a divorce or child custody case, an already difficult process is that much more difficult.  I would invite you to review my post on this subject from last year.  You can find that here.

If you are dividing your refund with an ex (or soon-to-be ex) spouse, you can designate that the electronic funds transfer of that refund go to up to three separate accounts.  IRS form 8888 makes this a simple process and definitely something to consider if you anticipate that the other party may cause you problems in signing a refund check or, worse yet, run off with the money.  Form 8888 can be found here.

In a letter to Jean Baptiste Leroy in 1789, the ever quotable Benjamin Franklin observed that "...in this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes."  I would argue that a close third is the fact that at some point in your life you or someone close to you will be affected by a divorce or family law case.  When you are, make sure you have the help you need.  For more information, please visit the Alford Law Office.

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